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The Perfect Peel

The Perfect Peel

Introduction: Harmony Medical proudly offers The Perfect Peel, a revolutionary treatment that redefines the standards of chemical peels. This unique formula is designed to deliver profound results, significantly improving skin health and appearance.

What is The Perfect Peel? The Perfect Peel is a medical-grade chemical peel that combines key ingredients, including glutathione, kojic acid, TCA, retinoic acid, salicylic acid, phenol, and vitamin C. This powerful blend works synergistically to deeply exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin, revealing a brighter, more youthful complexion.

Benefits of The Perfect Peel:

  • Reduces hyperpigmentation, including melasma, and evens out skin tone.
  • Diminishes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.
  • Promotes collagen production for firmer, more youthful skin.
  • Enhances overall skin clarity and brightness.

Why Choose The Perfect Peel? The Perfect Peel is ideal for those looking to address a range of skin concerns, from aging signs to uneven skin tone and texture. Its unique formulation ensures that it is effective for various skin types and concerns, making it a versatile option for comprehensive skin rejuvenation.

Harmony’s Specific Protocols:

  1. Acne and Acne Scarring: Targets acne-causing bacteria and helps reduce the appearance of scars.
  2. Anti-Aging: Focuses on reducing signs of aging, including fine lines and wrinkles, for a smoother skin surface.
  3. Pigmentation Correction: Works effectively to reduce dark spots and uneven pigmentation.
  4. Skin Brightening: Enhances skin luminosity and radiance.

Commonly Asked FAQs:

  • Downtime: Typically involves a peeling process lasting several days, with total recovery within 7-10 days.
  • Pain: Some discomfort during application, but generally well-tolerated.
  • Results: Noticeable improvement in skin texture and tone immediately after the peeling process, with further benefits seen over time.
  • Sessions Required: One session can provide substantial results; however, multiple treatments may be recommended for more significant skin concerns.


Frequently Asked Questions about The Perfect Peel Treatment

Do you offer consultations regarding The Perfect Peel and other skin treatments?

Yes, we offer consultations to help you find the best treatment for your unique situation.

To find out more, please click the link below and schedule a consultation with us.

The Perfect Peel Treatment Consultation

Please CONTACT US to book a Perfect Peel consultation.

What is The Perfect Peel, and how does it work?

The Perfect Peel is an innovative, medium-depth chemical peel treatment that helps to rejuvenate and revitalise the skin. Developed in the US and now available in the UK, this comprehensive facial peel works by:

  • Exfoliating the outermost layer of skin to reveal the fresh, smooth skin beneath
  • Stimulating collagen and elastin production to improve skin texture and firmness
  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots
  • Minimising pores and evening out skin tone for a brighter, more youthful complexion

The Perfect Peel achieves these results through its unique blend of powerful ingredients, which work synergistically to address multiple skin concerns:


A potent antioxidant that helps to lighten and brighten the skin

Kojic Acid

Helps to reduce the appearance of age spots and hyperpigmentation

TCA, Retinoic Acid, and Phenol

Work together to deeply exfoliate the skin and stimulate collagen production

Vitamin C

Provides antioxidant protection and promotes a brighter, more even skin tone

During the treatment, your skincare professional will apply The Perfect Peel solution to your face and neck, allowing it to work its magic. The process takes approximately 15 minutes, and you may experience a mild tingling or stinging sensation. After the peel, you’ll be provided with a comprehensive aftercare kit to ensure optimal results and minimise any potential side effects.

Over the next few days, your skin will begin to peel, revealing the healthier, more radiant skin beneath. The Perfect Peel is suitable for most skin types and can be customised to suit your individual needs and concerns. With regular treatments, you can maintain a youthful, luminous complexion and enjoy the confidence that comes with healthy, beautiful skin.

Is The Perfect Peel suitable for all skin types?

The Perfect Peel is a versatile treatment that can benefit a wide range of skin types and address various skin concerns. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, it’s essential to consult with a qualified skincare professional to determine whether the treatment is right for you. They will assess your skin type, concerns, and medical history to ensure that The Perfect Peel is a safe and effective option.

In general, The Perfect Peel is suitable for individuals with:

  • Normal, combination, or oily skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun damage and age spots
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Acne-prone skin and mild scarring

However, there are certain skin types and conditions that may require extra caution or render The Perfect Peel unsuitable:

Sensitive skin

May require a gentler approach or additional preparation

Active acne

The peel may exacerbate inflammation and should be avoided until the acne is under control


May require a milder peel formula or be unsuitable depending on severity

Eczema or psoriasis

The Perfect Peel may irritate these conditions and should be used with caution

Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid The Perfect Peel, as some of the ingredients may not be suitable during these stages. It’s also crucial to inform your skincare professional if you have any allergies or are taking any medications that could interact with the peel.

Your skincare professional will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan that takes your unique skin type and concerns into account. They may recommend alternative treatments or adjustments to The Perfect Peel protocol to ensure the best possible results while minimising any potential risks. By tailoring the treatment to your individual needs, you can achieve the glowing, healthy skin you desire.

How long does the treatment take, and is there any downtime?

One of the advantages of The Perfect Peel is that it is a relatively quick and convenient treatment, making it easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle. The entire process, from start to finish, typically takes around 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated and any additional techniques used by your skincare professional.

The treatment itself involves several simple steps:

  1. Cleansing the skin to remove any makeup, dirt, or oil
  2. Applying the Perfect Peel solution evenly across the face and neck
  3. Allowing the solution to absorb into the skin for a short period
  4. Neutralising the peel and applying a soothing moisturiser

Following the treatment, you may experience some mild redness, tingling, or tightness in the skin, but these effects should subside quickly. You can return to your normal daily activities immediately after the peel, as there is no significant downtime required.

However, it’s important to note that your skin will begin to peel within a few days of the treatment, and this process can last for up to a week. During this time, you may experience:

  • Dryness and flaking of the skin
  • Mild itching or tightness
  • Slight redness or sensitivity

These side effects are normal and indicate that the peel is working to reveal fresher, healthier skin. To minimise discomfort and ensure optimal results, your skincare professional will provide you with a comprehensive aftercare kit and instructions, which may include:

Gentle cleanser

To keep the skin clean without irritation


To keep the skin hydrated and reduce flaking


To protect the skin from sun damage during the peeling process

While you may experience some peeling and mild discomfort during the recovery process, this should not prevent you from carrying out your daily routine. By following the aftercare instructions provided and taking good care of your skin, you can minimise any downtime and enjoy the full benefits of The Perfect Peel.

What are the key ingredients in The Perfect Peel, and how do they benefit the skin?

The Perfect Peel is a powerful, synergistic blend of ingredients that work together to rejuvenate and revitalise the skin. Each component plays a specific role in improving skin health and appearance, making The Perfect Peel a comprehensive treatment for a wide range of concerns. The key ingredients and their benefits include:

Glutathione (5%)

Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that helps to lighten and brighten the skin by inhibiting the production of excess melanin. It also provides protection against free radicals, which can contribute to premature ageing and skin damage.

Kojic Acid (10%)

Derived from mushrooms, kojic acid is a powerful lightening agent that helps to reduce the appearance of age spots, melasma, and other forms of hyperpigmentation. It works by inhibiting the production of tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in melanin synthesis.

TCA (10%), Retinoic Acid (0.4%), and Phenol (14%)

This powerful combination of ingredients works to deeply exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) penetrates the dermis to stimulate collagen production, while retinoic acid (a form of vitamin A) helps to unclog pores, reduce fine lines, and even out skin texture. Phenol provides additional exfoliation and helps the other ingredients penetrate more effectively.

Vitamin C (5%)

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps to brighten the skin, even out skin tone, and protect against environmental stressors. It also plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis, helping to improve skin firmness and elasticity.

The Perfect Peel’s unique formulation allows these ingredients to work synergistically, providing comprehensive benefits for the skin:

Skin lightening and brightening

Glutathione, Kojic Acid, Vitamin C

Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

TCA, Retinoic Acid, Vitamin C

Improvement of skin texture and tone

TCA, Retinoic Acid, Phenol, Vitamin C

Antioxidant protection

Glutathione, Vitamin C

By combining these powerful ingredients in a single treatment, The Perfect Peel offers a comprehensive solution for those looking to achieve healthier, more youthful-looking skin. The carefully balanced formula ensures that each ingredient works at its optimal level, providing maximum benefits with minimal irritation or downtime.

How often can I have The Perfect Peel treatment?

The frequency of The Perfect Peel treatments depends on your individual skin concerns, goals, and the advice of your skincare professional. In general, The Perfect Peel can be performed every 4-6 weeks, as this allows sufficient time for your skin to fully heal and regenerate between treatments.

However, the ideal treatment schedule may vary based on several factors:

Skin concerns

If you have more severe skin concerns, such as deep wrinkles, significant hyperpigmentation, or acne scars, your skincare professional may recommend a series of peels spaced closer together to achieve optimal results. In these cases, peels may be performed every 4 weeks for a set number of treatments, before transitioning to a maintenance schedule.

Skin sensitivity

If you have particularly sensitive skin or are prone to irritation, your skincare professional may recommend a longer interval between treatments to minimize the risk of adverse reactions. In some cases, they may suggest a gentler peel formulation or a more gradual treatment approach.

Desired results

The frequency of your Perfect Peel treatments will also depend on your desired results. If you are looking for a quick improvement in your skin’s appearance before a special event, a single treatment may suffice. However, if you are seeking more significant, long-term changes in your skin, a series of peels may be recommended.

In most cases, a series of 3-4 Perfect Peel treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart, can provide excellent results for a wide range of skin concerns. After this initial series, you can maintain your results with periodic maintenance treatments, typically every 3-6 months, depending on your skin’s needs.

Initial Series

Frequency: Every 4-6 weeks
Duration: 3-4 treatments


Frequency: Every 3-6 months
Duration: Ongoing

It’s essential to consult with your skincare professional to determine the best treatment schedule for your unique needs and goals. They will assess your skin’s response to the peel and adjust the frequency and strength of treatments accordingly, ensuring that you achieve the best possible results while minimizing any potential risks or side effects.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with The Perfect Peel?

As with any cosmetic procedure, The Perfect Peel does carry some potential side effects and risks. However, these are generally mild and temporary, and the treatment is considered safe when performed by a qualified skincare professional. The most common side effects associated with The Perfect Peel include:

Redness and peeling

After the treatment, your skin may appear red and feel tight or sensitive. This is a normal response to the peel and typically subsides within a few hours to a day. In the days following the treatment, your skin will begin to peel, revealing fresher, healthier skin beneath. The peeling process can last up to a week, depending on the individual.

Dryness and itching

As your skin peels, it may feel dry, tight, or itchy. This is a normal part of the healing process and can be managed with the use of a gentle moisturiser and other aftercare products provided by your skincare professional.

Sun sensitivity

Your skin will be more sensitive to sun exposure following The Perfect Peel, as the treatment removes the outer layer of dead skin cells that provide some natural protection. It’s crucial to protect your skin with a broad-spectrum SPF during the healing process and to avoid excessive sun exposure.

Less common side effects may include:

  • Swelling or puffiness in the treated area
  • Mild pain or discomfort
  • Temporary changes in skin colour (hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation)
  • Allergic reactions to the peel ingredients (rare)

While serious complications are rare, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and to follow your skincare professional’s pre- and post-treatment instructions carefully. Risks may include:


Improper aftercare or exposure to bacteria can lead to infection in the treated area


In rare cases, the peel may cause permanent changes in skin texture or colour

Prolonged healing time

Some individuals may experience a longer healing process, particularly if they have sensitive skin or do not follow aftercare instructions

To minimize the risk of side effects and complications, it’s crucial to choose a qualified and experienced skincare professional to perform your Perfect Peel treatment. They will assess your skin’s suitability for the peel and provide you with comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure a safe and effective healing process. By following these guidelines and communicating any concerns to your skincare professional, you can enjoy the benefits of The Perfect Peel while minimizing any potential risks.

Can The Perfect Peel help with specific skin concerns like acne, pigmentation, or fine lines?

The Perfect Peel is a versatile treatment that can address a wide range of skin concerns, including acne, pigmentation, and fine lines. The unique blend of ingredients in The Perfect Peel works synergistically to target these specific issues, promoting clearer, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin.

Acne and acne scars

The Perfect Peel can be an effective solution for individuals struggling with acne or acne scars. The combination of TCA, retinoic acid, and phenol helps to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and promote cell turnover, which can help to minimize active breakouts and improve the appearance of acne scars over time. The peel also helps to control excess oil production, which is a common contributor to acne.

Pigmentation and uneven skin tone

Pigmentation issues such as age spots, sun spots, and melasma can be effectively targeted with The Perfect Peel. The combination of kojic acid, glutathione, and vitamin C works to inhibit melanin production and promote a more even skin tone. These ingredients also provide antioxidant protection, helping to prevent future pigmentation caused by sun exposure and environmental stressors.

Fine lines and wrinkles

The Perfect Peel can help to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen and elastin production in the skin. The TCA and retinoic acid in the peel work to exfoliate the skin and promote cell renewal, which can lead to a smoother, more youthful-looking complexion. The peel also helps to improve skin texture and firmness, which can contribute to a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The Perfect Peel’s effectiveness in treating these specific skin concerns can be attributed to its carefully formulated blend of ingredients:

Acne and acne scars

Key Ingredients: TCA, retinoic acid, phenol

Pigmentation and uneven skin tone

Key Ingredients: Kojic acid, glutathione, vitamin C

Fine lines and wrinkles

Key Ingredients: TCA, retinoic acid, vitamin C

While The Perfect Peel can provide significant improvements in these skin concerns, it’s important to note that individual results may vary. The severity of the skin concern, as well as factors such as age, lifestyle, and overall skin health, can impact the effectiveness of the treatment. In some cases, multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

Your skincare professional will assess your specific skin concerns and develop a customized treatment plan to help you achieve your goals. They may also recommend complementary treatments, such as topical products or lifestyle changes, to enhance the results of The Perfect Peel and maintain the health and appearance of your skin.

Is The Perfect Peel safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women?

The Perfect Peel, like many other chemical peels and cosmetic treatments, is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. This is due to the potential risks associated with the ingredients in the peel and the lack of sufficient research on their effects on fetal development and nursing infants.

Pregnancy concerns

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant hormonal changes that can affect the skin’s sensitivity and reactivity. The ingredients in The Perfect Peel, such as TCA, retinoic acid, and phenol, may be absorbed into the bloodstream and potentially cross the placental barrier, which could pose risks to the developing fetus. While there is limited data on the specific effects of these ingredients during pregnancy, it is generally advised to err on the side of caution and avoid unnecessary exposure to potential toxins.

Breastfeeding concerns

Similarly, the ingredients in The Perfect Peel may be present in breast milk after treatment, which could potentially harm a nursing infant. Infants have immature digestive and immune systems, making them more susceptible to the effects of chemicals and toxins. As a result, it is generally recommended that breastfeeding women avoid chemical peels and other cosmetic treatments that may introduce foreign substances into their breast milk.

Alternative options for pregnant and breastfeeding women:

  • Gentle, non-chemical exfoliation methods (e.g., enzymatic peels, dermaplaning)
  • Pregnancy-safe topical skincare products (e.g., vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide)
  • Light therapy treatments (e.g., LED therapy)
  • Postpartum treatments once breastfeeding has concluded

It’s essential for pregnant and breastfeeding women to consult with their healthcare provider and a qualified skincare professional before undergoing any cosmetic treatments. These professionals can provide personalized advice based on individual circumstances and help to develop a safe and effective skincare plan during this special time.


Recommendation: Avoid The Perfect Peel and consult with healthcare provider for safe alternatives


Recommendation: Avoid The Perfect Peel until breastfeeding has concluded and consult with healthcare provider for safe alternatives


Recommendation: Consult with skincare professional to determine when it is safe to resume The Perfect Peel treatments

In summary, while The Perfect Peel can provide significant benefits for many individuals, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women due to the potential risks associated with the ingredients. By working closely with healthcare providers and skincare professionals, expectant and nursing mothers can develop safe and effective skincare routines that address their unique needs and concerns during this special time.

How much does The Perfect Peel cost in the UK?

The cost of The Perfect Peel in the UK can vary depending on several factors, such as the location of the clinic, the experience of the skincare professional, and any additional treatments or services included in the package. On average, the price of a single Perfect Peel treatment in the UK ranges from ยฃ250 to ยฃ500.

Factors affecting the cost

Several factors can influence the price of The Perfect Peel treatment:

  • Geographic location: Clinics in larger cities or more affluent areas may charge higher prices due to higher overhead costs and demand.
  • Practitioner experience: Highly experienced or sought-after skincare professionals may charge a premium for their services.
  • Package deals: Some clinics offer package deals that include multiple treatments or complementary services, which can affect the overall cost.
  • Additional services: If the treatment includes additional services, such as consultations, follow-up appointments, or aftercare products, the price may be higher.

Cost comparison

To give you a better idea of the cost of The Perfect Peel in the UK, here is a comparison of the average prices of various chemical peel treatments:

The Perfect Peel

Average Cost (per session): ยฃ250 – ยฃ500

Glycolic Acid Peel

Average Cost (per session): ยฃ60 – ยฃ150

Salicylic Acid Peel

Average Cost (per session): ยฃ60 – ยฃ150

Jessner’s Peel

Average Cost (per session): ยฃ150 – ยฃ300

VI Peel

Average Cost (per session): ยฃ200 – ยฃ400

As you can see, The Perfect Peel is one of the more premium chemical peel treatments available in the UK, reflecting its unique blend of ingredients and potential for significant skin improvements.

Financing options

Given the higher cost of The Perfect Peel compared to some other treatments, many clinics offer financing options to make the treatment more accessible. These may include:

  • Payment plans: Some clinics allow you to spread the cost of the treatment over several months, often with little or no interest.
  • Package deals: Purchasing a package of multiple treatments may provide a discount compared to buying individual sessions.
  • Promotional offers: Clinics may offer seasonal promotions or discounts for new clients, which can help to reduce the overall cost.

When considering The Perfect Peel, it’s essential to focus on the potential benefits and results rather than just the cost. Investing in your skin’s health and appearance can have long-lasting effects on your confidence and well-being. It’s also crucial to choose a reputable clinic and experienced skincare professional to ensure the best possible results and minimize the risk of complications.

What should I expect during and after the treatment?

Understanding what to expect during and after The Perfect Peel treatment can help you prepare for the process and ensure the best possible results. Here’s a detailed overview of what you may experience:

During the treatment

The Perfect Peel treatment typically takes around 15-20 minutes and involves the following steps:

  1. Cleansing: Your skincare professional will thoroughly cleanse your skin to remove any makeup, dirt, or oil.
  2. Application: The Perfect Peel solution will be applied evenly to your face and neck using a brush or applicator.
  3. Penetration: The solution will be allowed to penetrate your skin for a few minutes. You may feel a mild tingling or stinging sensation during this time.
  4. Neutralization: A neutralizing agent may be applied to balance the skin’s pH and complete the treatment.

After the treatment, your skincare professional will provide you with aftercare instructions and any necessary products to help manage the peeling process and ensure optimal results.

After the treatment

In the days following The Perfect Peel, you will likely experience several stages of skin peeling:

Day 1-2

Mild redness and tightness; peeling may begin on day 2

Day 3-4

Moderate peeling, especially around the mouth and chin; skin may feel dry and tight

Day 5-7

Peeling should subside; newly revealed skin may be slightly pink but will look and feel smoother and more radiant

During the peeling process, it’s essential to follow these aftercare tips:

  • Avoid picking or pulling at the peeling skin, as this can cause irritation or scarring.
  • Keep your skin moisturized using the products provided by your skincare professional.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure and wear a broad-spectrum SPF daily.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise, saunas, and swimming pools for the first few days after treatment.
  • Do not use any exfoliating products or treatments until the peeling has completely subsided.

You may experience some mild side effects during the peeling process, such as:

  • Redness and sensitivity
  • Dryness and tightness
  • Mild itching
  • Flaking or peeling skin

These side effects are normal and should subside within a week. If you experience any severe or prolonged side effects, contact your skincare professional for guidance.

Once the peeling process is complete, you can enjoy the full benefits of The Perfect Peel, which may include improved skin texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, more even skin tone, and a brighter complexion. To maintain these results, your skincare professional may recommend follow-up treatments or a customized at-home skincare routine.

For more information regarding this treatment
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Dr Ayah is extremely professional and knowledgeable. Of all the people I follow on social media, sheโ€™s the one who has the most natural-looking results and the most convincing, this is why I decided to consult her. She can see very quickly how she can rejuvenate your facial features and make you look younger but not in an obvious way. You donโ€™t end up with the dreaded pillow face. I decided to go for her face rejuvenation package and I am very satisfied with the results. My friends commented that I looked really well and โ€œincredibleโ€ but they couldnโ€™t pinpoint what it was. For me, this is the effect I was looking for.I would definitely recommend Ayah for any type of facial aesthetics and other cosmetic treatments.
Amelie Thomas
Amelie Thomas
14:19 14 Jan 22
This was my first appointment with Dr AYAH, and i so glad that i came across her for my Skin/Face Journey.I would and have been recommending Dr AYAH to everyone - Everything was explained clearly and very thoroughly nothing was rushed everything was done at a pace that i was comfortable with - it shows that Dr AYAH has a genuine passion for her work. I didn't feel like i was under any pressure to go ahead with anything i did not feel at ease with.Truly excited to start my Journey with Dr Ayah - such a caring, genuine humble being.
Heena Mirza
Heena Mirza
08:35 07 Jan 22
Pleased to have found a properly experienced professional to help with my skin and itโ€™s never ending journey. Dr Ayah is personable and extremely professional- its important for me to feel comfortable around the person who is treating me whilst also learning my treatment plan, step by step. I learnt so much about my skin within 10 minutes of my initial consultation. Her desire to constantly want to learn and teach is unmatched thus I know I am in safe hands and for the first time, not questioning treatmentโ€ฆ huge relief!
20:06 04 Feb 22
Dr Ayah is an expert in her field who was very professional, friendly and knowledgeable.She explained the best treatment plans for me and helped guide me to choose the best treatment for me. I put my trust in Dr Ayah after years of doing my own research and didn't regret it.I would 100% recommend the services offered.
Muna Saad
Muna Saad
23:38 08 Jan 22
Literally do not have the words to express how amazing my journey has been with Dr Ayah. The time she has taken and throughly helped me with everything. I truly cannot recommend her enough especially if you would like the best experience ever. Dr Ayah can easily take money off you and do whatever you want however sheโ€™s not like other people as she literally talks you through everything that will benefit you. I am so pleased to have found Ayah. I will continue investing in visiting Ayah and letting her to do her magic. I wish you so much success and hope you continue thrive to the top.
Uzzi K
Uzzi K
10:28 24 Nov 21
I had a couple of treatments done with Dr Ayah last week. She was so friendly and reassuring. This was my first time having anything done in clinic and she made me feel so at ease throughout. Would definitely recommend!!
Aysha Ilyas
Aysha Ilyas
18:07 26 Feb 22
I have started seeing Dr Ayah recently, she has addressed my concerns in a very professional manner. There is so much knowledge and detail orientation behind her approach. I instantly felt Iโ€™m in good hands. Even though itโ€™s only been weeks but I could see the differenceI would highly recommend you book an appointment and start your treatment. Just starting a routine in one aspect of your life will give you a sense of achievement.Thank you
Alsheima Osman
Alsheima Osman
11:16 07 Mar 22
Dr.Ayah makes you feel so comfortable as soon as you walk through the door. A very good listener and advises you professionally on what's required to be done. This was my first time getting anything done on my face and it was a smooth and very satisfying experience. Dr. Ayah is a very genuine, approachable and a warm human being..I definitely recommend Dr.Ayah and trust her completely with my face!!! Cannot wait to go back ! :)
Fariyah Rahman
Fariyah Rahman
10:25 21 Mar 22
I've waited 6 weeks before posting anything because I wanted to really see if there was any difference at all in my skin. Dr Ayah is a lovely aesthetician who really seems to want the best for her patients, but for me the real test is in the skin outcomes. I have very large pores, and skin that's quite uneven - the spots have gone because of a course of antibiotics from my GP but the scars from many years of breakouts have left their literal mark.I think the revelation for me was today when I had to take some profile photographs for work. Normally you can see the bumps and little lumps even under my make up, but today the face in my photo was really smooth. The pores just weren't noticeable. It's almost a miracle.I know there's a long way to go - my make up sits better and my skin glows as a result - but my skin texture underneath is still a bit uneven and my pores are visible (but much smaller!). I'm waiting for the acne scars to heal and the pores to get much smaller. But I am confident in the products and skincare routine she's given me, and I am willing to be patient given how effective it's been after just 6 weeks. I know there's other things I need to do to really make my skin glow without any make up at all, but I trust that Dr Ayah can help me get there, and crucially not try to sell me products or procedures that are unnecessary or wasteful.
22:38 23 Mar 22
I have seen Dr.Ayah for maybe the fourth/fifth time now and I cannot rate how knowledgeable , professional and beautiful she is. I recommend her to everyone the second we start talking about skincare and aging. She has a mountain of knowledge behind her and always training harder to keep up to date and improve her work. She makes you feel comfortable immediately and her eye/experience truly makes her one of the best aesthetics Drs out there, I wouldn't go anywhere else. Thank you Dr.Ayah for being so professional and always making time in your hectic schedule.
Najwa Maniar
Najwa Maniar
10:40 10 May 22
Dr Ayah is such a lovely person. She really listens and understands you and your skin problems. I went in to see Dr Ayah regarding my acne. She has been extremely helpful as well as her team is formulating a skincare plan.
Zoya Naz Raja
Zoya Naz Raja
18:03 11 May 22
I recently visited Dr Ayah and could not recommend her enough! Alongside being the loveliest lady she was so attentive to all of my concerns about my appearance alongside giving her own professional take on my appearance and the treatments that would benefit me.I love how it all came together and healed beautifully especially my lips, I love them. After it being an insecurity for so long I actually love my lips now.I was right to put my trust in her as she delivered exceptional results. She also prioritised safety and most of the treatment time was spent making sure there would be no implications. I left the clinic with such natural looking results and a heightened confidence and I couldnโ€™t thank Dr Ayah enough.
14:04 12 May 22
Such an amazing woman who carries out her profession with the upmost care and has given me the best results! The clinic is a very friendly environment so itโ€™s lovely to be treated there! So happy with my results, Thank you Dr Ayah! x
unaysa mulla
unaysa mulla
10:25 13 May 22
I cannot rate Dr.Ayah enough, I feel extremely comfortable and safe visiting her and value her opinion immensely. Her knowledge is second to none, she is amazing at what she does and always has a smile. I have seen Dr.Ayah for over a year now and simply would not go anywhere else.Thank you Dr.Ayah for simply being you and always welcoming everyone that walks into your clinic. All my love xx
Najwa Maniar
Najwa Maniar
13:47 28 May 22
Dr Ayah is absolutely brilliant - i am currently under treatment with her. She is extremely confident with what she wants to do in order to achieve what I asked for. She also makes you extremely comfortable during the treatment and the best thing about her treatments are that the results look very natural! You can see the change widout feeling you have done a procedure. Love it!! I look forward to being with her for all my face and skin requirements and would highly recommend her.
Siddiqa Qadeer
Siddiqa Qadeer
12:45 28 May 22
Dr Ayah is honestly the most amazing soul ever, sheโ€™s so genuine and sweet. Met her for the first time and I donโ€™t regret a single second! She listens to your concerns attentively and gives her most honest and knowledgeable opinion. You can tell she really knows her stuff. Sheโ€™s very thorough and explains everything very well. She also makes you feel at ease and makes sure your concerns are addressed. I am so glad I went to Dr Ayah and her admin team are amazing too, very quick at responding! She really deserves all the happiness and success. Thank you Dr Ayah for your perfect service โค๏ธ
Zaiba Dadu
Zaiba Dadu
07:45 04 Jun 22
I cannot recommend Dr Ayah more, she is so professional, knowledgable and engaging! She made me feel at ease and explained the entire process and what options were available to me. What is special and different is how Dr Ayah looks at your face as a whole. Sometimes itโ€™s hard to pinpoint what has changed in your face over the years that has made you look more tired or older but Ayah is quickly able to pinpoint, exactly what is needed. She has a critical eye and thankfully is a perfectionist! Her results are amazing and I was so happy to look in the mirror and see a younger more refreshed version of me staring back! Would 100% recommend! Thank you so much!
Gemma Housey
Gemma Housey
07:48 14 Jun 22
I had a repeat appointment for my lips but after a further consult with Dr Aya she suggested that the lips are not ready yet to be touched and we can prolong the treatment till later. Loved that she was not pushy to get it done, just because I booked the appointment and I will re-schedule for next time.I will be trying out other treatment for under my eyes which will report thereafter.
Nina Nikiel
Nina Nikiel
10:55 15 Jun 22
Dr Ayah is absolutely brilliant - i am currently under treatment with her. She is extremely confident with her work and She also makes you extremely comfortable during the treatment. The best thing about her treatments are that the results look very natural! She took her time and over 3 months we have achieved the results I wanted. She enjoys her work and is very passionate in what she does. Thats why she explained to me that its not about doing just one part of the face...there has to be 'harmony' and for that little tweaks need to be done overall to achieve what I want. Love it!! I look forward to being with her for all my face and skin requirements and would highly recommend her. Trust her advice is all I say!
Siddiqa Qadeer
Siddiqa Qadeer
18:25 27 Jun 22
The service was great. I was put at ease throughout my treatment journey. Had a full face harmony done and I'm in love with the results, so subtle yet impactful. Had lots of comments saying how fresh I look.Dr ayah and team are fab, they communicate with you and inform you of everything that's happening
16:36 27 Jun 22
Amazing appointment with dr ayah today a genuine lovely professional! Extremely qualified and experienced yet is so humble and transparent which is rare to find these days! Has given me huge amounts of advice not just in skin or aesthetics but in day to day life as a young person and super encouraging on building own businesses๐Ÿ’—I will 1000% be returning again for other treatments and wish I went to her straight away instead of wasting money at other clinics her work is impeccable!
Annabella Vitiello
Annabella Vitiello
15:40 02 Jul 22
Highly recommended! Iโ€™ve visited Dr Ayahโ€™s Halifax clinic twice now and on both occasions Dr Ayah was great at recommending what I needed. I love that she didnโ€™t give me what I originally asked for, instead talking to me and looking at me to understand my concerns and then getting a plan in place - taking into consideration my whole face and skincare. Itโ€™s a journey and Iโ€™m so pleased I found Dr Ayah to guide me through it. Penny
Penny Provis
Penny Provis
15:35 08 Jul 22
Saw Dr Ayah for the first time. What an amazing lady. I told her my concerns and she was able to tell me straight away what I needed for my goals to be achieved. I've booked my appointments and I'm very excited to see the results. (Micro-needling). Carla and Becky are also amazing and they have such a great team. I'm kicking myself wishing I'd discovered her a long time ago as i have wasted so much money over the years. But hey ho better late than never. Dr Ayah takes time to listen to you. Nothing is rushed shes all ears and I like that your able to get everything out of how you feel with no pressure. The knowledge she has is amazing. I have finally found what I have been looking for and feel excited to what the future holds and the miracles I have been waiting for a long time. Thank u so much for your help and support.
Cheryl Williamson
Cheryl Williamson
11:15 12 Jul 22
Discrete clinic (if that is important to you) with plenty of on street parking. Lovely waiting area, Dr A is very knowledgeable and tells you how it is and is easy to talk to. Messages/queries/concerns post treatment are always responded to by the team no matter how small. You might not see Dr Aโ€™s vision to begin with but when she shows you the before and afters side by side you cannot argue!
Sam โ€œDelaโ€ Az
Sam โ€œDelaโ€ Az
21:37 17 Jul 22
โ€œDon't hesitate. You are in the right place. โ€œThe first thing, the best quality, is she will hear you. So down to earth and extremely knowledgeable.Thank you, Dr Ayah, for being so friendly and making me comfortable. Thank you so much for bringing back my confidence. ***** more stars on the way
Shaban Ashiq
Shaban Ashiq
09:35 11 Jul 22
The bottom part of my face has always been asymmetric and in the past 6-12months, I've really felt my face was starting to sag, look droopy, was aging me and it had started to affect my confidence.I found Dr. Ayah on social media and was impressed by her work, knowledge and talent, so I booked an appointment to see her.From the moment I met her, I felt so comfortable. She is extremely professional but also so personable and caring. She did a thorough assessment and we discussed all the things that I was not happy with about my face. She also identified things about my jaw that a dentist has never told me!Three things I love about Dr. Ayah: she's a perfectionist so will do things until she believes it's right - even if that means having to put on a new pair of gloves again because she thinks something more needs to be added (I appreciate this so much!). Secondly, she will not do anything if she does not think it is right for you and will take the time to explain why. Lastly, any questions/concerns I had after the appointments, Dr. Ayah and her team were available and promptly responded.From the first appointment where I had cheek and temple filler, I could instantly see the change and left much happier and with confidence. Over the next week, I would find myself stopping in front of shop stores, checking out my new face and loving what I saw! :)I have gone back a second time and I have to say I have loved my experience with Dr. Ayah as well as the results. She has brought my confidence back, I feel younger, brighter and most importantly, happier. Thank you Dr. Ayah for the wonderful experience and your amazing talent!
Janice Mok
Janice Mok
11:57 30 Nov 22
Iโ€™ve been researching about face harmony for so long and finally found Dr Ayah and fell in love with her work and really liked what she stands for.She was so lovely and full of knowledge which made me feel so at ease during my consultation and fully understood my concerns and my vision on what I wanted to achieve while advising me without pressuring me.My 1st appointment for treatment went amazing. Sheโ€™s so talented and Iโ€™m loving my result already.Iโ€™ve recommended her to every one I know already because sheโ€™s incredible and worth every penny. Iโ€™m so happy Iโ€™ve found someone who I can trust and so excited for the rest of my face harmony journey! x
Rogina Shrestha
Rogina Shrestha
15:45 19 Oct 22
I have been seeing Dr Ayah regularly to help me with a complication caused by another non-medical practitioner. Honestly, I cannot sing her praises enough. She is a sincere and honest person and this really shows in her work. She patiently listens to my concerns from start to finish and never rushes me, and more healthcare professionals can take example from her care. I am so far making good progress with her, even though my case is challenging and annoying. Her team are also superb, providing responses even at the latest of hours and across all social media. I trust Dr Ayah and will stick to her from now on and recommending her to friends and family.
Zara Q
Zara Q
13:54 31 Mar 23
Dr Ayah explains the biology behind every thing she does and it makes perfect sense! Since having my treatment, toxins, i no longer clench my jaw, no more migraines and my sinus pain has also gone! Dr ayah knows exactly where to place the Botox to give the most naturally lifted effect, my downward smile is no longer downward! And my nose looks slimmer! I will never go to anyone else other then Dr Ayah with my face. Highly recommend!
Roo A
Roo A
22:00 20 Apr 23
I was recommended Dr Ayah by my dentist after discussing with him nerve damage that had occurred when I was a baby. It is only in the last 5 years or so, along with aging, that I have really noticed the damage around my mouth much more than ever before and decided I wanted to do something about it. I found chatting with the clinic via email to be very professional with good communication, and it gave me the confidence to go ahead with the treatment. Dr Ayah is lovely and immediately you feel you are with someone who works to a high standard. She explained that over time, the nerve damage had caused other facial muscles to work more thereby causing an imbalance. For me, this is a process and each visit will build upon the last one but I feel confident that I have chosen the right clinic to help me achieve the desired outcome.
13:20 22 Jun 23
I absolutely love Aaleen, very friendly and so informative! Any questions Iโ€™ve ever got sheโ€™s always able to help me understand and not push any extra treatments on me which is really refreshing. She always makes sure I feel really comfortable before starting and has definitely helped with my confidence in my skin after a major car crash ๐Ÿ’› canโ€™t recommend enough and really looking forward to my appointment with Dr Ayah
Saarah Chowdhury
Saarah Chowdhury
13:19 27 Jun 23
Jigya was so nice, she provided such a good service. She provided me with a detailed skin analysis with their new machine and seems really knowledgable! I would definitely recommend this clinic and I look forward purchasing my new skin products!
Yusra Durrani
Yusra Durrani
09:29 26 Jun 23
I wanted to express my sincere appreciation and deep gratitude for the exceptional work of Dr Ayah, Jigna, and Amina. Their professionalism, dedication, and diligence have been truly outstanding. Dr Ayahโ€™s and Jignaโ€™s medical expertise combined with their passion, vocation and conscientious nature, is truly praiseworthy. Although there are many professionals in the aesthetic industry, I feel fortunate to have consciously placed my trust in Dr Ayah and Jigna's abilities. They are not only highly calibrated hardworking skilled professionals that possess strong work ethics but also incredible individuals. Their compassion, altruism and warm nature have made my experience with them even more meaningful and valuable. I greatly appreciate and respect the collective effort, skillset, and attributes of Dr Ayah and her team. I am confident that I am in excellent hands with this exceptional team. Thank you for providing me with such an enriching experience.
Yusreen C-Bunally
Yusreen C-Bunally
16:06 22 Jun 23
dr ayah and her team have gone out of their way to ensure my skin healing process is as tailored towards my needs as it can be, and with their help, i have seen amazing results within the first 5 months and my skin continues to improve everyday. i highly recommend dr ayah for all your skincare needs!
shar a
shar a
00:17 21 Mar 23
I had the most informative and insightful consultation with Dr Ayah last week, who understood my skin concerns and was so easy to talk to and knowledgeable towards the needs of my skin. Dr Ayah explained beautifully the reasons why my skin and face structure was the way it was and what changes could be made to help improve the condition of my skin and face.The whole service so far has been quick and easy. From booking my appointment online to receiving my skin report.I was emailed with a detailed skin report and recommended products list within a few hours of the appointment.I have purchased the recommended products and booked in for my next appointment.Looking forward to starting my skin journey with Dr Ayah.
Sharmin Miah
Sharmin Miah
20:25 25 Jul 23
Dr Ayah was amazing and I would definitely recommend her to everyone! I had a non surgical rhinoplasty done at a different clinic which went horribly wrong and was a medical emergency. She booked me into her clinic straight away and dissolved my filler. She really looked after me and gave me great advice and aftercare. Thank you so much!
rebecca nicholson
rebecca nicholson
08:50 16 Jul 23
Lovely clinic in a convenient location, and good communication from the team. Mixed experience with Dr Ayah as I found her tone to be abrupt at times, and like questions/concerns were not welcome. Price transparency should be considered as cost was not discussed with me prior to treatment, and impossible to predict as plans are bespoke.
Sample Smith
Sample Smith
15:16 17 Oct 23
Hello, I just wanted to leave a review for Jigna and the team! I started my sessions of radio frequency micro needling with exosomes and co2 laser in July and I couldnโ€™t be more pleased with the results. After 2 sessions I had already seen a massive difference and I cannot wait to see how my skin will look further down the line. She has built my confidence significantly and is such a skilled and confident individual with a lovely personality. I just wanted to say a big thank you once again for everything and I am looking forward to coming back in a few months!
Eyman Hussain
Eyman Hussain
21:00 22 Oct 23
Had my exosomes treatment with Aaleen and I was very nervous but she made me feel at ease with all the information given. My skin feel so hydrated after one session. Looking forward to my next appointment. Thank you
Somaya Iqbal
Somaya Iqbal
17:50 24 Oct 23
All of the team at Harmony are so friendly and welcoming! They respond quickly and help make the whole process efficient and easy.I first reached out to Dr Ayah when I was having trouble with my skin having developed acne like symptoms. Dr Ayah is a fountain of knowledge and I was able to discuss all of my skin problems and goals with her to which she has completely changed my skin for the better!!! Itโ€™s SO much better than it was and Iโ€™m excited to continue my skin journey! Trust the process as it just keeps getting better! She always puts me at ease and thoroughly explains the treatments along with the why, and the causes.Couldnโ€™t recommend enough! Thank you! :)
Sarah Worrall
Sarah Worrall
18:17 02 Nov 23
Iโ€™ve been getting my treatments done by Jigna and prior to that I saw Dr Ayah. Iโ€™ve loved all my sessions as they both have always been friendly and made me feel welcome. They explained the process and before and after care of the treatments that I have done with them and all my questions were always answered throughly. Iโ€™ve always had honesty from them too which is important because Iโ€™ve wasted a lot of money at other clinics on treatments that I didnโ€™t need! Jigna is super helpful! Sheโ€™s always testing products on me to see how I react to them so I can purchase them knowing I wonโ€™t react as I have super sensitive skin so I really appreciate that. The team made me feel at ease every time and the whole process has always been efficient which is why I keep going back! Overall Iโ€™ve been super happy with all my treatments and the team โ˜บ๏ธ
Margina Begum
Margina Begum
16:34 17 Nov 23
I always look forward to my appointments with Aaleen, sheโ€™s an absolute gem. She explains everything so well and always makes me feel at ease. I couldnโ€™t be happier with all my treatments. If youโ€™re thinking of visiting Harmony Medical, do not hesitate!!!
Melissa Dzikiti
Melissa Dzikiti
18:00 21 Nov 23
Wonderful microneedling with the amazing Aaleen, she is very patient and kind. Aaleen is very knowledgeable and will put you at ease. She has a magic about her to make you feel calm. I feel extremely happy with the treatment and look forward to more sessions with her.
Nas M
Nas M
19:22 05 Dec 23
Great service all round! You can see how genuine Dr Ayah is and her passion in helping people! She explains things very well and you can just tell itโ€™s genuine! Would recommend 1000x over!! I came to Dr Ayah after having fillers elsewhere which left my face pretty messed up! She dissolved this for me and it was not easy but she has done an amazing job! Thanks again!
Monica Khassal
Monica Khassal
14:49 23 Jan 24
Dr Ayah is amazing, as is all the team. Dr Ayah listens to your concerns and advises on the best treatment to give you the best result. She explains everything in a way that is so easy to understand. If I could have given more stars I would have. X
yoga Thornton
yoga Thornton
10:34 25 Jan 24
Harmony is an outstanding venue for your skin care needs. It boasts a warm and welcoming environment, supported by a cordial staff. Maria, my practitioner, is an invaluable member of the team. She ensures I am comfortable, particularly during the more sensitive segments of the treatment. She thoroughly addresses all my inquiries and dedicates exceptional care to my skin throughout the treatments. The assistance, guidance, and recommendations provided by the Harmony team for my daily skincare routine have been exemplary.
Alima Begum
Alima Begum
19:19 16 Mar 24
Dr. Ayah at Harmony Medical is an unparalleled expert in dermatology and aesthetics. As someone who's been a loyal client for years now, I can't sing her praises enough!! Sheโ€™s not only transformed my skin but has also restored my confidence. What truly sets her apart is her genuine care for her clients; she takes the time to explain every aspect of my skin concerns and treatment options with so much detail. As someone with rosacea and pigmentation, finding a skincare expert who understands its nuances in brown skin was a challenge until I found Dr. Ayah. Her tailored approach has made the world of difference. I trust her implicitly and wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone wanting to improve their skin (and confidence!). Thank you Dr Ayah โค๏ธ
Lara Shah
Lara Shah
10:11 06 Apr 24
Fantastic service from all the staff. Dr ayah has really helped boost my confidence and Iโ€™ve seen major differences after my treatment. She goes above and beyond and is passionate about what she does and how she can help . Dr ayah makes sure she explains the procedure thoroughly and answers all my questions. All the staff including dr ayah at the clinic are very helpful and friendly. definitely recommend.
14:48 22 Apr 24
I highly recommend Dr Ayah and her assistant aminoThe results were amazing and Dr ayah is very professional throughout all of the procedure she talked me step by step what she was doing making me instantly feel at ease and in capable hands the environment is relaxing and clean in accordance with CQC adherenceCanโ€™t wait for next session as always
Chloe Osifo
Chloe Osifo
12:23 11 May 24
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