Yes, ASCE Exosomes Therapy is safe for all skin types. Our treatments are tailored to suit individual skin needs. They’re actually perfect for irritated skin types.
Treating dark circles effectively requires a multi-modal approach due to the variety of factors contributing to their appearance. Dark circles can arise from genetics, lifestyle, aging, or a combination of these influences. Each underlying cause requires a distinct treatment modality to achieve the best possible results.
Advanced Treatments for Dark Circles at Harmony Medical
At Harmony Medical, our comprehensive approach ensures that your under-eye concerns are addressed with precision and care. We offer innovative, tailored solutions that target the root causes of dark circles, giving you a brighter, more refreshed appearance. Save yourself the frustration and disappointment of ineffective treatments by choosing expert guidance at Harmony Medical. Reach out today and start your journey toward healthier, rejuvenated eyes.
Yes, ASCE Exosomes Therapy is safe for all skin types. Our treatments are tailored to suit individual skin needs. They’re actually perfect for irritated skin types.
The number of sessions may vary depending on individual skin conditions. Its important to remember collagen & elastin take around 3 months to build, but most patients see results after their first session!
Our treatments are minimally invasive, and any discomfort is typically well-tolerated. We have topical numbing, injectable numbing or cold air therapy to help make the experience as comfortable as possible.
Side effects are minimal and usually include temporary redness or swelling, which subsides quickly.
Results can vary, but with proper skincare and maintenance, results can last years.
Yes, ASCE Exosomes Therapy can complement other skincare treatments to achieve comprehensive results. They’re potent anti inflammatory ingrediants so anything you combine them will be supercharged@